Last time …
Hello : ) I am back and again I have some impressions from Florida to share with you. This is going to be the last post and then I will focus on my past weeks. I plan to also give you some reviews from my exchange year.
Hello : ) I am back and again I have some impressions from Florida to share with you. This is going to be the last post and then I will focus on my past weeks. I plan to also give you some reviews from my exchange year.
Hello : ) Welcome back to a new post. I don´t even know where to start right now because the material for posts is hoarded on my desk. My plan is not to spam you with a lot of posts on the same day, but for the next few posts, I will still write about…
Hello : ) around spring break I collected a lot of experiences … It was just to much to put them all in one post, so here is the second post.
Hello : ) Welcome to my new post about F L O R I D A. I had the pleasure to spent my spring break in this amazing sunshine state. We had six days in the sun and I enjoyed the break of school with riding the bike or sitting at the beach.