#3 From The One World Trade Center To Brooklyn
Hello : )
On day three in New York City we visited the 9/11 Monument and the Survivor Tree. We all know what terrible attack happened on this date and as a tourist in New York, this place has to be a place to visit. The impact the memorial has is stunning, seeing the water floating down in the two big pools makes you realize how many lives were taken by these attacks. Today the place is green and looks happy but every step you do on this ground lets you remember. People in the United States and all over the world can tell each other what they did in the second of the attacks. I was too young but thinking of what impact it had I really do not know if I can find the right words or if there is someone out there who has them. For me, all of this is so real that I sometimes think it´s surreal because of all the changes it brought with it!
Later we went for a walk through the “High Line Park”. The 2,33 kilometers long railroad way which is an elevated park today is a nice place to walk. Trees and some yard space bring diversity to the city, people can use the space for walks or for their breaks. Like every public space, there are a lot of people spending their time; jamming, talking, dancing, or singing – the spaces get used to being creative. Coming to the end of the railroad we went to “Chelsea Market” an amazing place for all those who are looking for unique things, some of the stores in the market hall we found later in Brooklyn. I looked for inspiration for things because I love little detailed accessories and often you can do them on your own.
In a small group, we later explored Brooklyn especially Williamsburg the neighborhood is known for its hipster culture. In Germany, we can compare it to Berlin Kreuzberg or I saw a lot of similarities to Leipzig Plagwitz (maybe because I grew up in both cities…). We went through the little street stores and our way led us to a street music and art festival which was pretty cool to see. The artists were painting on big squares and music was played while the visitors sat on a grass floor in the middle of the street. The variety of gravities got our attention really quickly and so we tried to see a lot of them but wherever we looked there was something new on the walls or other authentic street art.
The sunset we experienced in “The Battery Park” with some burgers from Shake Shack. The location had an impressive view of the New Jersey side and it was a bunch of fun sitting there talking, eating, and taking pictures.
I know there was a long break between the last post and this, but I am really busy right now and I hope it will get better when school starts! I try to get more continuous regularity in my postings.
Hi – Am dritten Tag haben wir das Memorial von den Anschlägen des 11. Septembers 2001 und den Überlebensbaum besucht. Die beiden Wasser Pools gehören zu den Plätzen die jeder Tourist gesehen haben sollte. Für das Museum selber wollte ich mir noch Zeit nehmen, da es mich emotional sehr mitgenommen hätte. Ich kann leider nicht viel zu den Anschlägen sagen nur ausdrücklich, dass so etwas nie wieder geschehen sollte und es eine grausame Tat war. Jeder kann dies sagen und wie oben erwähnt weiß ich nicht was die richtigen Worte sind und ob überhaupt irgendjemand diese Worte weiß. Jedoch kommt es mir so wirklich vor das ich dann denke es ist surreal und dann all die Änderungen und Kontrollen zeigen wieder das so eine schreckliche Tat von mehr als 15 Jahren begangen wurde. Nach der Besichtigung sind wir in den 2,33 Kilometer langen High Line Park gegangen, er wurde auf ehemaligen Eisenbahn gleisen gebaut. Das Ende war dann im Chelsea market welchen wir ausgiebig erkundet haben. Nachdem Spaziergang haben wir uns noch Soho angesehen und sind dann nach Brooklyn gefahren. Der Stadtteil Williamsburg hat mir sehr gefallen, da er mit seiner Kunstszene sehr an Berlin oder Leipzig erinnert. Den Abend haben wir dann im Battery Park verbracht von wo aus wir eine tolle Sicht auf New Jersey hatten.
xoxo Nike
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