Spring is here!
Hello : ) it is supposed to be spring right now, but the temperature doesn´t approve it!
Hello : ) it is supposed to be spring right now, but the temperature doesn´t approve it!
Hello : ) Welcome back to a new post. I don´t even know where to start right now because the material for posts is hoarded on my desk. My plan is not to spam you with a lot of posts on the same day, but for the next few posts, I will still write about…
Hello : ) Welcome to my new post about F L O R I D A. I had the pleasure to spent my spring break in this amazing sunshine state. We had six days in the sun and I enjoyed the break of school with riding the bike or sitting at the beach.
Hello : ) this post is all about my week in Washington D.C. It is my first English post and I hope you enjoy reading…
Hallo : ) Heute werde ich den ersten lang ersehnten Beitrag über meine High School verfassen. Es gibt viel über die Schule zu berichten und ich bin erst zwei Wochen in der Schule und werde sicher im Laufe des Jahres immer wieder Neuigkeiten von der Schule erzählen können.