monthly update #november

monthly update #november

wow, time flies, and i definitely don´t feel like christmas or it´s the end of a year. still, november has passed and it is time for my monthly recapture of what i did here in chile. this is going to be interesting because this month passed so fast that i don´t remember what i did……

monthly update #october

monthly update #october

how crazy fast time flies. it´s november and the semester at university is almost over. this post though is supposed to be about last month which was a crazy month for me. i really felt at home here in chile and fell in love with the country more and more… what have i done? the…

monthly update #september

monthly update #september

my second month in chile and i had the idea to give you a monthly update. this month was the beginning of spring and we survived the chilean winter. the winter here isn´t as cold as in germany but what´s different is that there is no central heating in the houses. so especially after the…

the joy of a journey

the joy of a journey

how you get somewhere sometimes is the most exciting part of traveling – the journey. during my travels, i experienced some fascinating journeys. our journey to chile definitely deserves to be told. while waiting for my train to munich our flight to houston the next day got canceled. that meant we had to arrive at…